Creation of an E-commerce Website

Online commerce is taking precedence in the business world, and any company unwilling to adapt to the times risks being left behind. The adoption of E-commerce goes far beyond simply facilitating online purchases. Every business has a website, and most of these websites can conduct sales through an e-commerce portal.

Discover Our Web Expertise

Creating an online store

An online sales site must be carefully designed. We create a plan that integrates individual customer needs such as language and currency, provides up-to-date product and stock information, and enables communication (automated or direct) on customer service issues. And those are just the basics.

Our Woocommerce solution

WooCommerce is the world’s most popular open-source e-commerce solution.

This platform is free of charge. It can be adapted and enriched by a worldwide community. The freedom of its open-source nature means you can keep WordPress at the top of search results.

Our Prestashop solution

PrestaShop is a French Open Source solution for creating online sales sites. The software’s performance is constantly being improved, thanks to the various contributors to PrestaShop’s development and to the publisher’s in-house teams.

In addition to being entirely in French, removing the language barrier for French-speaking businesses, PrestaShop stands out for its international-ready functionality and solutions.
The prestaShop software has been designed to be totally mobile and adaptable to manage product catalogs, online orders, promotions and discounts, as well as tracking deliveries.

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Vos besoins dans le domaine du web

Développement de votre site internet sur mesure.
Site vitrine, E-Commerce, de réservation…

Formez-vous à créer et gérer votre site web à distance ou chez vous. Blue Strat enregistrée comme organisme de formation. 

Accompagnement SEO et SEA. Améliorez le positionnement de votre site web en ligne.

Solution pour maintenir à jour votre site web et le gérer. Concentrez-vous sur votre activité.

Prendre RDV

Contactez notre équipe pour un premier rendez-vous gratuit. Nous échangerons sur votre projet et répondrons à toutes vos questions.

Your Needs in the Web Domain

Development of Your Custom Website. Showcase site, E-commerce, booking…

Train yourself to create and manage your website remotely or from home. Blue Strat registered as a training organization.

SEO and SEA Support. Improve the positioning of your website online.

Solution to keep your website up to date and manage it. Focus on your business.

Make an Appointment

Contact our team for a first free appointment. We will discuss your project and answer all your questions.