Landing Page

A well-designed landing page will increase conversions for all your campaigns. Well-designed landing pages integrate with other parts of your online marketing strategy and help you achieve your business objectives. We can create landing pages that help you achieve these goals clearly and effectively.

Discover the landing page

A landing page is a single web page that a visitor accesses after clicking on an online ad, a link in an e-mail or a post on social networks.

The aim of a landing page is generally to convert a website visitor into a lead or sale.

Therefore, it’s essential to choose professional landing page design and development services.

Discover our solutions

Discover our expertise

We create your landing page

Creating an eye-catching ad is only half the puzzle: you need a compelling landing page that encourages visitors to convert. By partnering with a landings page agency like Blue Strat, you can get a conversion-focused site that helps you inform users and encourage them to buy.

Your benefits, our expertise

Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, capture leads or convert traffic, you’ll need a powerful landing page. At Blue Strat, we’ll help you achieve your marketing goals with intuitive page designs.

How does it work with us?


Contact us

Explanation of your project with one of our team members via phone/video conference.


Audit & Quotation

We analyze what you already have (website, application, social networks...) and then put a price tag on the project.


Validation and kick-off

We'll let you know how much your project will cost. Once you've given us your approval, our team gets to work to meet your deadlines.

Blue Strat

Web development


Project delivery

We deliver your project and review with you all the actions that have been taken.


Optimization and support

We'll work with you on SEO, content management and much more.


Customized training

Our team will provide training on all essential tools to ensure you are 100% self-sufficient.

Talk to us
of your project?

Nous contacter 💌

Nous revenons vers vous sous 24H en semaine.

Contact us 💌

Write us your request / question, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Vos besoins dans le domaine du web

Développement de votre site internet sur mesure.
Site vitrine, E-Commerce, de réservation…

Formez-vous à créer et gérer votre site web à distance ou chez vous. Blue Strat enregistrée comme organisme de formation. 

Accompagnement SEO et SEA. Améliorez le positionnement de votre site web en ligne.

Solution pour maintenir à jour votre site web et le gérer. Concentrez-vous sur votre activité.

Prendre RDV

Contactez notre équipe pour un premier rendez-vous gratuit. Nous échangerons sur votre projet et répondrons à toutes vos questions.

Your Needs in the Web Domain

Development of Your Custom Website. Showcase site, E-commerce, booking…

Train yourself to create and manage your website remotely or from home. Blue Strat registered as a training organization.

SEO and SEA Support. Improve the positioning of your website online.

Solution to keep your website up to date and manage it. Focus on your business.

Make an Appointment

Contact our team for a first free appointment. We will discuss your project and answer all your questions.